Water Song – Music Video


Here am I
Standing on the shore
Feel the wind blowing through my hair
Once more
Hear the waves calling
Pulling you inside
Grab onto the horse’s mane and
Ride the waves ride
Here am I
Floating on a sea
Don’t know which is you
Or which is me
Hear the waves calling
Pulling you inside
Grab onto the horse’s mane and
Ride the waves ride
Here am I
Standing on the shore
Feel the wind blowing through my hair
Once more
Hear the waves calling
Pulling you inside
Grab onto the horse’s mane and
Ride the waves ride
Ride the waves ride...

WATER SONG is about standing on the shore of indecision. Something is calling you, pulling you. It’s about surrender. It is also a love song...

Alexander - Vocals, Guitar & Keyboards

Charlie Anderson - Bass & Strings

Matt Flanders - Percussion

AVB Music 2018

Video by Launchpad Media